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Editor: doc. Mgr. art. Jakub Ďoubal, Ph.D.
This book, which includes a wide range of illustrations, focuses on the issues associated with the conservation, storage and display of plaster casts, reflecting on the past and reporting on the present. It examines the role that plaster itself plays in the process of making a sculpture, outlines the history of plaster casts and deals with the techniques of conservation including cleaning, consolidation, gluing, reintegration and preventive conservation and conservation surveys. The authors refer to the available published knowledge on the subject and add their new findings based on many years of experience and the evaluation of laboratory tests.
Plaster Casts is the first comprehensive publication dealing in detail with issues concerning plaster artefacts and their care. Plaster is one of the most important materials in sculpture making and, in the form of plaster casts, it preserves reproductions of major cultural monuments as well as valuable works of art by individual artists. Plaster studies and preliminary models have often captured the process of the artist's search for suitable form and content, as well as various designs for the given commission and interpretations of the artist's vision. A methodical and informed approach to conservation and subsequent care is fundamental in the preservation of these works of art. The publication compiles previously available knowledge on plaster casts from published sources and adds new findings made by the authors over many years of experience and through the evaluation of laboratory tests. The book is arranged according to specific topics. The introductory chapter deals with the role plaster plays in the process of making a sculpture and also outlines the history of plaster casts. It is closely followed by texts summarizing observations on the characteristics of plaster and the various types and causes of damage to it. These texts also address the issue of conservation research and consider options for assessing the current condition of plaster casts. An extensive section deals with the issue of conservation and is aimed primarily at the basics, such as cleaning, consolidation, gluing and integrations of casts. Each of these chapters includes criteria for the selection of material and processes as well as specific applications and technologies used or tested for the given process, including their advantages and limitations. At the end of the chapters dealing with selected conservation processes, there are examples of practical experience in the form of case studies and summaries of respective findings. The final section of the publication deals with the issue of preventative conservation and includes recommendations for the storage and transport of casts. Annexes contains a glossary of terminology relating to damage and traditional surface finish processes. The text is accompanied by a wide range of illustrations. The book represents a significant contribution to the knowledge and care of works of art made of plaster. It is unique even at the international level, as evidenced by the considerable interest in the published publication. The main users are mainly collection and memory institutions, research and university workplaces focused on the given area, specialists in the field of restoration, institutions of monument care, etc. at the national and international level.