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The goal of the studio is to train specialists in the field of restoration of paper, bookbinding and documents. The lessons are based on teaching traditional and high-quality craftsmanship and artistic craftsmanship as well as on the development of the western approach to restoration focusing on interdisciplinary cooperation, scientific approach and respect for the authentic condition of the artwork. Restoration is viewed as a set of specific artistic, artistic-craftsmanship and technical tasks and processes with the aim of respecting the material and artistic structure of the original.

The practical training in the studio leads the students to a formulation of a restoration intervention concept based on the recognition of cultural-historical values of the article restored as well as on the preservation of its structural nature and artistic craftsmanship values.

The four-year Bachelor’s degree course consists of lessons given in the studio focusing on the studies of historical bookbinding techniques and treatment of a wide array of materials – paper, leather, wood, metal and parchment. In short, materials which the graduate will come into contact with in everyday practice. In addition to the skills, students have to gain extensive knowledge of the development and history of bookbinding and book culture. From the second year on, students attend practical training which involves working on original historical objects – books that may range from 15th to 20th century. All students must also take part in a compulsory summer practical training. In the fourth year, the students complete their Bachelor’s studies by carrying out their Bachelor’s graduation projects.

The students of the Master’s degree study programme are capable of restoring works of artistic craftsmanship associated with book culture on their own. In addition, they are encouraged to work as independent restorers, develop their abilities and innovate current knowledge in the field, which they subsequently prove in their practical Master’s thesis.

The graduate is able to use all the acquired knowledge and skills and can pursue a career of either a freelance restorer or an employee in an archive, library, museum, art gallery or another institution dealing with paper-related cultural heritage.

MgA. Ivan Kopáčik
Head of Studio

Faculty of Restoration
466 036 604
BcA. Veronika Válová, DiS.

Faculty of Restoration