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International Dimensions of the Faculty of Restoration

The Faculty of Restoration has adopted a strategic plan for the years 2021 - 2030 and profiles itself as a modern European-type faculty, comparable to similar educational institutions in developed European countries. The development of strategic partnerships and international cooperation in education and R&D&I is an essential prerequisite for achieving their high quality.

The cooperation with strategic foreign partners is implemented mainly in the framework of exchange internships of academics and students and in the preparation of international research projects with strategic European partners with whom the FR has concluded an agreement within the EU Erasmus+ programme. At the same time, the Faculty actively participates in international organisations, among which the ENCoRE (European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education), a prestigious organisation bringing together the most important European educational institutions in the field of restoration, is one of the most important. Here, the Faculty deepens its contacts and systematically monitors new opportunities for professional cooperation at university level.

Student Mobility 

Membership of International Professional Organisations 

Cooperation Agreements 

Foreign Specialists 

Our Scientists Abroad

International Projects