The aim of the studio is to educate and shape specialists in the field of conservation and restoration of artworks on paper and other types of support. The practical training in the studio is based on the traditions of high-quality art and artistic-craftsmanship preparation while following the principals of interdisciplinary cooperation, scientific approach and respect for the authentic condition of the artwork. Restoration is perceived as a set of specific artistic, artistic craftsmanship and technical tasks and procedures, respecting the material and artistic structure of the original.
In the four-year Bachelor’s degree study programme, the training in the studio is focused on the study of restoration techniques of drawings, graphic art prints and paintings, chiefly on paper support. The practical training, which lies mainly in investigation and restoration of authentic artefacts, is organically linked with the theoretical part dealing, above all, with historical techniques, technology and materials. A compulsory summer practical experience is an integral part of the studies. To graduate from the Bachelor’s course, students carry out their practical Bachelor’s projects. In the subsequent two-year Master’s degree study programme, the students expand their previously acquired knowledge and skills related to restoration of artworks on paper by learning how to restore paintings on textile support. The students are encouraged to come up with creative ideas and to work as independent restorers, which is eventually to be proved in their practical Master’s thesis. The study programme is undertaken by the Studio of artworks on paper as well as at other corresponding departments.
The graduate of the Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes is able to restore independently and fully, both works of art and artistic craftsmanship on paper and textile support. The graduate can pursue a career of either a freelance restorer or an employee in an archive, library, museum, art gallery or other institution dealing with the field of cultural heritage.