Getting to know the material composition of historic monuments and objects, the causes of damage and the knowledge about materials used for their conservation and restoration is one of the cornerstones of the Faculty of Restoration’s activities. The main areas of operation of the Department of Chemical Technology are educating, cooperation between the individual studios of the Faculty of Restoration in implementing restoration projects and finally, cientific research.
The overall concept of instruction is aimed at providing students with a thorough introduction to the issues concerning conservation and restoration of historic monuments and objects from a scientific point of view. The instruction takes place in the form of lectures, practical training and individual consultations during students’ restoration or graduation projects. The study programme is divided into three parts. The introductory stage deals with the basics of general chemistry. This is followed by the technological stage, with specialisation according to the individual fields – restoration technology of objects composed of mineral or organic material.
Strengthening wooden parts of a well - archeological finding, Dolní Roveň
The Department of Chemical Technology serves as a coordinator of internal scientific-research activities and, within the Framework of the faculty, is the main bearer of scientific-research tasks on a national and international level. The Department took part in a range of significant national and international grant projects. Namely the NAMO, ROCEM, STONECORE, ROCARE, NANOFORART, NAKI, VEPA projects or the project Functional Protective UV Paint Systems. The department’s prestige is recognised and highly prized within the Czech Republic and the EU alike.