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Provider: Ministry of Culture

Programme: National and Cultural Identity Applied Research and Development Programme - NAKI II

Implementation period: 01.03.2016 - 31.12.2020

Recipient/coordinator: University of Hradec Králové, Philosophical  Faculty 

Project partners:
Faculty of Restoration - Atelier of Paper, Bookbinding and Document Restoration

Moravian Library in Brno            

Principal Investigator FR UPCE: Mgr. BcA. Radomír Slovik  

Project link: Brána moudrosti otevřena

The objectives of the project are set in accordance with the global objective No. 2 (Cultural Heritage) of the NAKI II programme, namely specific objectives 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, as tools will be developed for the protection, identification and presentation of the cultural heritage of the Benedictine Order in the territory of the Czech Republic, represented specifically by the monasteries in Broumov and Rajhrad. The focus is on the libraries of both monasteries, both the book collections themselves and the library facilities and equipment. The following will be developed: 1. a conservation procedure for the protection and care of the library collections of the monastery libraries, 2. a methodology for the care of the interior Baroque library spaces and equipment, of which the two above-mentioned libraries are adequate representatives. The specific output for the presentation will be a database of typographic elements of the book block and special software for its use, which will create a platform for further editorial, analytical and comparative work with the material.

The cultural heritage of the two houses will be presented to the general and professional public through access to the rich collections (library, archives) and other presentation activities: exhibitions, video documentaries, specialist books, studies in proceedings and peer-reviewed journals. At the same time, steps will be taken to preserve the cultural heritage of books, especially of the Broumov monastery, and the rarest and most endangered books will be restored. The composition of the collections will be presented in the form of user-friendly specialised maps.

Film documentary about the rescue of the monastery library in Broumov