Provider: Ministry of Culture
Programme: Programme for Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity - NAKI II
Implementation period: 01.03.2020 - 31.12.2022
Recipient/coordinator: Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice
Responsible Principal Investigator of the beneficiary/coordinator Faculty of Restoration: Department of Humanities
Project partner: University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Arts
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Petra Hečková, Ph.D.
Other researchers: doc. Mgr. art. Jakub Ďoubal, Ph.D. , doc. Mgr. Pavel Panoch, Ph.D., Mgr. Vladislava Říhová, Ph.D., Lucie Bartůňková, MgA. Petr Rejman, MgA. Zuzana Auská
Project link: Memory of Graveyards
The project focuses on the creation and implementation of optimal tools for the identification, comprehensive research, documentation and presentation of sepulchral monuments, unused or partially abandoned cemeteries, which are carriers of cultural and heritage value, but are currently or may be threatened with extinction or such changes that would fundamentally change their nature. Due to the concentration of similar sites in the area of the former Sudetenland, where the continuity of settlement, and therefore cultural continuity, has been significantly interrupted in modern history, the project is geographically focused primarily on the border regions of the Czech Republic.
Project outputs
Specialized map: SUDETSKÉ HŘBITOVY
Dekorační kámen na sepulkrálních památkách Sudet
Paměť hřbitovů: Sepulkrální památky někdejších Sudet. Katalog výstavy
Hřbitovy nalezených: Průvodce po sudetských hřbitovech východních Čech: Svitavsko
Hřbitovy zmizelých: Průvodce po sudetských hřbitovech východních Čech: Podkrkonoší
Certified methodology:
Dokumentace hřbitovů a sepulkrálních objektů s památkovou a kulturní hodnotou
Files for download | Size |
METODIKA_Dokumentace-hrbitovu-sepulkral-objektu_PUBL_110620.pdf - pdf | 19.25 MB |