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Beneficiaries and project participants:

České lupkové závody, a.s. Nové Strašecí

Research Institute of Building Materials, a.s. Brno

University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration

Principal investigator for FR: Ing. Karol Bayer
Co-principal investigators for FR: Mgr. art. Jan Vojtěchovský, Ph.D., Ing. Renata Tišlová, Ph.D.

Implementation period: 01. 01. 2018 - 31. 12. 2020

Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade

The aim of the project is to design a new replenishing material for the restoration of concrete and stone foundations of 20th century architecture, which is to be an alternative to the currently used cement-based materials. This is a research and development in the field of advanced materials (KETs), leading to the development of new, more cost-effective materials as well as new products with higher added value. Ultimately, the project also aims to make the research activities of the research organisations more efficient by linking the know-how and infrastructure of the individual departments and increasing cooperation between the commercial and research sectors. This cooperation will result in outputs that will help to increase the competitiveness of the participating companies. There will be innovation in the existing practices of restoring 20th century buildings and in the use of non-traditional raw materials, in order to preserve buildings for future generations, which is one of the priorities of the national RIS3 strategy.

The outputs of the joint project are utility models and functional samples with equal shares in the results.