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2009 - 2011

Sculpture in the early 17th century in Moravia

A three-year research project was focused on field research carried out to monitor sculptures which originated in late 16th and early 17th century in Moravia. Most of the sculptures had been neither recorded nor diagnosed. Only few free-standing sculptures of the period have been preserved to date, most of the monitored objects belong to architectural and sepulchral sculpture.

The project involved field research, photo-documentation, search in archives and earlier literature as well as a comparative study of the formal features of the sculptures in question, which resulted in the identification of authorship and employer categories. The current state of sculptures was diagnosed and identification of the original appearance was attempted on the basis of historic documentation (photography, drawings).

The project is expected to result in the creation of a specialised catalogue of the artworks and synthetic chapters which would trace various aspects of the early 17th century sculpture in Moravia, accompanied with technological surveys in selected cases.

Principal investigator: Mgr. Vladislava Říhová, Ph.D., Department of Humanities