Provider: Ministry of Culture
Programme: National and Cultural Identity Applied Research and Development Programme - NAKI III
Implementation period: 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2027
Recipient/coordinator: The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | CAS CR
Recipient/Project partner No 1 : Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice
Responsible Principal Investigator of the beneficiary/coordinator Faculty of Restoration - Studio of Restoration and Conservation of Wall Paintings, Sgraffito and Mosaics
Principal Investigator partner No 1: MgA. Zuzana Wichterlová, DiS.
Recipient/Project partner No 2 : Palacký University Olomouc Faculty of Arts
Principal Investigator partner No 2: Mgr. Pavel Waisser, Ph.D.
The aim of the project is to review the knowledge of Renaissance sgraffito, to evaluate the protection of their original techniques and design, and to develop new practical solutions for restoration. The revision of knowledge is based on an interdisciplinary survey of surviving examples, material analysis and experimental study of the original craftsmanship. Evidence of the original technique, artistic and craft qualities of figurative or decorative geometric and ornamental sgraffito is given special attention in the project, as surface degradation and repeated restoration interventions have caused the gradual loss of these authentic elements. The project has a special focus on this endangered group, which is, on the one hand, a basic study material and, on the other hand, an object of interest for the preservation of these unique documents for the future. The new solutions for restoration are based on a parametric description of the specific properties of the painted sgraffito plaster. The research on materials and technologies focuses on the issue of restoring plaster adhesion as well as on the artistic and material quality of the accessories. The specific focus of the project is the development of a new grouting compound and its practical application technology. The restoration of cohesion with the substrate is a prerequisite for subsequent conservation or restoration interventions. Another research objective of the project is the development of mortar mixtures for reconstruction of sgraffito, which are based on original technologies, materials and traditional craftsmanship, but take into account the current conditions and specifics of restoration of monuments. The objectives of the project are in line with the three thematic priorities of the Concept of Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural Identity MK 2023-2030, in terms of: applied research for the support of restoration; conservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage for its preservation and improvement of its care; and last but not least, the objectives of the project touch upon the protection of the endangered group of sgraffito preserved in its intact form.
Sgraffito is a technique that was used in the Renaissance, especially in Central and Southern Europe. In the Czech Republic, the stock of preserved sgraffito is relatively large, for example, compared to Italy. Mapping, detailed art-historical and natural history surveys make it possible to link technologically and artistically related sgraffito into a context regardless of borders. A deep knowledge of Renaissance sgraffito also helps to specify the possibilities for their restoration and presentation. The outputs of the project are of relevance to the Renaissance sgraffito collection throughout Europe, especially Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Switzerland and Slovakia.