Stone Conservation for Refurbishment of Buildings (STONECORE)
Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: 7. rámcový program
Implementation period: 01.09.08 - 31.08.11
Fakulta restaurování - Katedra chemické technologie FR
Investigator: Bayer Karol
Stone Conservation for the Refurbishment of Buildings: - Nano-materials compatible to natural and artificial stone for refurbishment of buildings, monuments, fresco, plaster and mortar. - Safe and environmental friendly removal of mildew and algae. - New tools and devices for non-destructive damage assessment.
Stone Conservation for the Refurbishment of Buildings: - Nano-materials compatible to natural and artificial stone for refurbishment of buildings, monuments, fresco, plaster and mortar. - Safe and environmental friendly removal of mildew and algae. - New tools and devices for non-destructive damage assessment.