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Using of mixtures of nanolime suspensions and ethyl silicates for the consolidation of wall paintings

Provider: Univerzita Pardubice
Programme: Studentská grantová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Workplace: Fakulta restaurování - FR
Investigator: Vojtěchovský Jan
This project continues in the work of 2014 project: Comparison of Nano-lime suspensions for the consolidation of wall painting colour layer. Within this project it was found out that, for extremely degraded materials, the consolidation effect of nanolime suspensions themselves appears insufficient. Therefore the team proposed to use combinations or even mixtures with ethyl silicates. Because this method seems to be enough efficient in most of the cases of wall painting paint layer consolidation, we would like to continue in our work. Although this material shows promissing results, we would like to prove more into the depth properties of theese composit materials due to the possible risks in the restoration pracise.