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Rennaisance and Mannerist stucco work on Czech and Moravian territory

Provider: Ministerstvo kultury
Programme: Program aplikovaného výzkumu a vývoje národní a kulturní identity - NAKI II
Implementation period: 01.03.18 - 31.12.22
Workplace: Fakulta restaurování - Katedra humanitních věd FR
Investigator: Fidler Petr
Team member: Tišlová Renata
The aim of the project is a detailed study of Renaissance and Mannerism stucco works until 1620 on Czech and Moravian territory, a topic within the care of works of art currently considerably overlooked. The aim is to process all aspects of the given issue as an interdisciplinary research based on the cooperation between historical disciplines, restorers and heritage care workers and with the help of the research sector. The cataloguing of artistically valuable stucco works of art in the country will serve a starting point for a synthetic processing of the art-historical and technological development of stucco work on this territory, but will also serve to put it into a Central European art-historical context.