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Blind witnesses: Blind tooling decoration on bookbindings.

Provider: Ministerstvo kultury
Programme: Program aplikovaného výzkumu a vývoje národní a kulturní identity - NAKI II
Implementation period: 01.03.20 - 31.12.22
Workplace: Fakulta restaurování - Ateliér rest. papíru, kniž.vazby a dokum
Investigator: Slovik Radomír
The project goals are set up in compliance with the global goal No. 2 (Cultural heritage) of the NAKI II programme. Resulting in four outcomes, they react to the urgent need to conduct systematic research and register historical bookbindings, which has been a neglected area of the book culture of the Czech regions. The project is based on the possibilities of interdisciplinary cooperation in research, rescue, and presentation of specific cultural heritage values. The research problem concerns the history of book binding that originated in the Czech lands in the 16th century as one of the essential segments of book culture. The project aims at the documentation, research and presentation of a specific group of cultural heritage monuments, such as historical book bindings. All project goals are closely linked and they follow only one effort ? to create specialized maps in the form of a database and certified methodologies, a professional platform/base of joint scientific activity for research into historical bookbinding.