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Published: 01.11.2022

The Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice, has succeeded in getting a grant for the Erasmus+ programme within the KA171 activity – International credit mobility. In the application procedure, that was opened at the beginning of this year, it was possible to apply for a grant for cooperation with a country outside Europe. The Faculty of Restoration submitted an application to cooperate with a country from the South Mediterranean region, namely Algeria where the faculty had already pursued some of its activities. 

In 2020, Vice-Dean for Research of the faculty, Mr Bayer, visited l'Ecole nationale de conservation et de restauration des biens culturels (ENCRBC). Following the visit that had been initiated by the Czech ambassador in Algeria, Mrs Lenka Pokorna, a contract on cooperation was signed. When Mr Bayer was visiting ENCRBC, he discussed and outlined particular possibilities of the cooperation. Based on the negotiations, the Faculty of Restoration applied for the grant and managed to receive it. 

In the upcoming three years, academic employees’ stays at both institutions are going to be organized through which experience with specific conservation/restoration issues will be exchanged. The Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice is going to welcome several Algerian students, too. While the Faculty of Restoration can offer its rich experience with heritage care and state-of-the-art technology of conservation/restoration in Central Europe, Algerian colleagues can share their precious experience with the conservation of antique monuments from the Ancient Rome period. The experience in the field of professional education will be exchanged as well. 

Written by Jana Tmejová

Photos by Karol Bayer