The tower offers a stunning view over the city of Litomyšl.
Admission fees:
Adults 30 CZK
Students, children, soldiers, seniors 15 CZK
The School Museum of Restoration and Historic Technologies
The museum was opened in 1998, after the medieval Red Tower located on the school premises has been transformed to accommodate an exhibition area and depository. The museum represents a unique project even in European context. In accordance with the study programmes, the museum displays the school collections of historic technologies in architecture, decorative arts and book culture. Expositions are focused on individual restoration intervention issues, the understanding of materials used in the past, and old artworks depicting architecture or ancient crafts. Expositions are created with students’ active participation. The tower has an accessible gallery with a view over the city.
From July to September, the exposition is opened for public; during winter and summer semesters, the visit to the tower has to be pre-booked.
The museum collections contain especially tangible examples of historic technologies used in architecture and fine arts. The museum organizes a voluntary, yet purposeful collecting of this group of objects. In rare cases, the purchase of the objects is possible.
The collections of historic technologies contain especially:
- transfers, historic plasters, artificial marble
- bricks and other ceramics made of fired clay
- samples of stone decay
- samples of stone polychrome (including pigment and base extraction)
- wooden construction elements in architecture and other fine arts
- objects made of various metals
- paper and book-culture objects
- a separate collection of the history of bookbinding
Electronic catalogue of collections is available from
Past Exhibitions
1999 – Martin Štěrba, photography: Summer journey of the Julia & spol. Puppet Theatre
(May 1999)
1999 – Transfer, the most difficult wall painting restoration technique
(July–September 1999; the exposition was also lent to the Gallery of the University of Pardubice, University Library, 22nd March–20th May 2000)
2000 – Architectural-historical and restoration research of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Litomyšl (1993–2000)
(May–September 2000)
2001 – Kateřina Prokopová, the exposition of pictures and drawings of a fourth-year student at the Institute of Restoration and Conservation Techniques in Litomyšl
(May 2001)
2001 – Rome, Florence, Naples and Pompeii on late 19th century photography
(1st July–30th September 2001)
2003 – The restoration of the Marian Column in Litomyšl
2004 – Bohuslav Slánský
(5th June–30th October 2004)
2005 – A painter on the front lines, Josef Váchal on the World War I battlefield
2006 – Bohdan Holomíček and Eva Hrubá: People and paper
2007 – Photographic restoration documentation made by Professor Bohuslav Slánský
2008 – Jaromíra Němcová, Assistant at the Studio of Art Techniques: pictures and graphics
2010 – Marbled paper, works of students of the Studio of Restoration and Conservation of Paper, Bookbinding and Documents
2011 – Lucie Suchá: pictures; since August 2011 works of the Faculty of Restoration students
2012 – Sochař Martin Krupka 1723–1778; Historici a restaurátoři v praxi.
Výsledky grantu Inovace studijního programu Historických věd Filozofické fakulty a Výtvarných uměni Fakulty restaurování Univerzity Pardubice na téma Drobné památky farnosti Veliš
2013 – Litomyšl z blízka a ještě blíže
Prezentace Katedry chemické technologie, fotografie z elektronového mikroskopu
2014 – Litomyšl včera a předevčírem
Výstava historických fotografií Litomyšle mezi světovými válkami ze sbírek Fakulty restaurování
2015 – výstava nebyla uskutečněna vzhledem k rekonstrukci areálu Fakulty restaurování
2016 – Fauna bájná i skutečná v mědirytinách Antonia Tempesty
2017 - Výstava prací studentů na zámku v Kuksu. Výstava s názvem (O)kraje
2018 - „Z Litomyšle do Gorzanowa - Renesanční zámky a venkovské památky mezi Čechami a Kladskem“
2018 - Výstava fotografií k 25. výročí založení školy restaurování v Litomyšli
2019 - Výstava prací studentů vytvořených na zámku v Kuksu v září 2018. Název výstavy (O)kraje