In the first semester, the teaching focuses on the study of drawing. A basic understanding and grasp of space in two-dimensional representation includes knowledge of perspective. The basics of perspective and its forms. Drawing basic geometric solids in linear form without in-depth description of the material. Principles of shading, expression of volume. Drawing basic geometric objects with a focus on shading and volume of solids. From basic shapes, gradual progression to more complex shapes, expressing surface character and structure through drawing. Drawing drapery. Drawing of complex still lifes with all objects of different shapes, structures, surfaces and colours represented. Conversion to a monochromatic range of shades of black/gray/white. Drawing in natural and artificial charcoal, red, white chalk in a negative way on black paper, lavished ink drawing. After still life, transition to drawing plaster casts of heads to drawing portrait, half figure and full figure based on live model.