The course will introduce the issues of stone cleaning in terms of philosophy, restoration ethics and conceptual approach. It will also describe the main types of dirt its sources and mechanisms of deposition on the surface of stone depending on the exposure of the object and the type of material. Participants will be introduced to current cleaning methods, their principles, and the possibilities and limits of their use, including the potential risks associated with cleaning. They will learn about the methods of objective assessment of the cleaning process and the outcome.
The course combines theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations of cleaning methods (different types of laser cleaning, microabrasive methods, chemical cleaning, systems using water or steam, etc.) and evaluation of cleaning tests (in situ microscopy, electron microscopy, microscopy of samples, water absorption measurements, etc.).
The programme will be delivered in English.
Jiráskova 3, Litomyšl 570 01, Czech Republic
PRICE: EUR 560 / CZK 14 000
Price does not include accommodation.
LECTURERS: Ass. Prof. Jakub Ďoubal, Ph.D., MSc. Karol Bayer
Click here to register: Application for lifelong learning course „Cleaning of Stone Monuments“ | Univerzita Pardubice (
After registration we will send you payment instructions.
About us: UPCE, Contact e-mail:
The course will be held if the minimum number of participants is 5, the maximum number of participants is 10.
1. day
10:00-10:30 Opening of the course
10:30-12:30 The theoretical block focused on the causes of soiling and types of deposits
12:30-14:00 Time for lunch
14:00-17:00 Laboratory evaluation of soiling and demonstrations of specific types of soiling and risk assessment
2. day
10:00-12:30 Theoretical aspects of stone cleaning (ethical issues of cleaning, cleaning methods, and risks involved)
12:30-14:00 Time for lunch
14:00-17:00 Workshop - practical demonstrations of different cleaning methods
3. day
10:00-12:30 Workshop - practical demonstrations of different cleaning methods
12:30-14:00 Time for lunch
14:00-16:15 Workshop - possible objective stone evaluation options - practical demonstrations and laboratory evaluation