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Funkcionalistické lázně v Uherském Hradišti ve světle stavebněhistorického průzkumu
Autoři: Říhová Vladislava | Křenková Zuzana
Rok: 2018
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Slovácko
Strana od-do: 245-264
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Funkcionalistické lázně v Uherském Hradišti ve světle stavebněhistorického průzkumu Studie shrnuje výsledky stavebněhistorického průzkumu funkcionalistické architektury městských lázní v Uherském Hradišti. Budova s bazénovou halou byla vystavěna v roce 1937 podle plánů brněnského architekta Bohuslava Fuchse, sousední technické zázemí vzniklo ve stejné době na základě projektu uherskohradišťského stavitele Karla Dvořáka. Areál lázní je v současnosti v dezolátním stavu a je chráněn jako nemovitá kulturní památka. funkcionalistmus, lázně, Bohuslav Fuchs, Karel Dvořák, 30. léta 20. století, meziválečná architektura, Uherské Hradiště, stavebněhistorický průzkum
eng Functionalist Spa in Uherské Hradiště from the Point of View of Building and Historical Research Building and historical research of the area of town spa in Uherské Hradiště originated in 2018. One of the parts it focuses on are functionalist buildings of the spa with a swimming and heating room from 1937. The buildings were researched at the spot and analysed by means of archive exploration. The functionalist building of the spa with swimming pools was built according to the project of an architect Bohuslav Fuchs from Brno in 1936. Next to it the building of boiler house was built according to the project of Karel Dvořák from Uherské Hradiště. Later Fuchs connected both buildings by one façade. The spa consisting of two functional parts were being built in 1937. Compared to a preserved project there were some slight changes made during the construction which are documented by projects with pencil corrections deposited in Municipal Office in Uherské Hradiště. The finished building was photographed in to portfolio of Fuchs’ works and a special article about it was published explaining the structure of the spa area: in the basement there was large swimming pool, two smaller swimming pools with hot and cold water, massage showers, sauna and steam chamber. In the mezzanine there were cloakrooms with closets, rest room, pedicurist room and a barber’s shop. Above the swimming pool cleansing spas with bath tubs and showers were situated. Both the building and water were heated by two Strebel’s boilers. In the middle of the 60s of 20th century the old spa was put out of service. The project of refurbishment and construction of a new building followed, and it damaged the functionalist building. Only a part of the interior was preserved of Fuchs’ building and almost the whole back yard façade was devastated. The street façade was remade as well and its original windows with lever closing were replaced with glass blocks. In 1990 the whole precinct was closed, and an adequate use of the building has been searched for ever since. After the flood in 1997 a reconstruction was functionalism, spa, Bohuslav Fuchs, Karel Dvořák, 30s of 20th century, interwar architecture, Uherské Hradiště, immoveable cultural sight, building and historical research