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Publikace detail

Rennasisance tombs and their equipment - three Moravian examples and possibilities of their research.
Rok: 2023
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Rennasisance tombs and their equipment - three Moravian examples and possibilities of their research. Early modern aristocratic burial sites are typical places of memory and family representation, where the virtues of family members are presented, where the tradition and continuity of the family is referred to and where the confessional aspects may resonate strongly. However, the current form of these burial sites, often situated in “living” church spaces, may be only a torso of the original concept, which, in addition to tombstones or epitaphs, included other works that may not have survived in their original context or have been completely lost (e.g. flags, funerary shields, armour, tablets with texts). Such works, however, complemented the iconographic programme or may have accentuated certain aspects of it. The original appearance of burial sites can be studied in the written sources, both from the time of the creation of the memorial site and in younger sources, such as lists of monuments or descriptions of churches from the Enlightenment era. The paper will present lost equipment three confessionally different examples of the tombs from early modern Moravia - Catholic (tomb of Zachariáš of Hradec in Telč, 1589), Lutheran (tomb of Zikmund Heldt of Kement in Velké Meziříčí, 1564) and Brethren (tomb of Morkovský of Zástřizl family in Boskovice, 2nd half of the 16th century). On the one hand, sources will be presented from which the burial grounds can be reconstructed and on the other hand, the meaning aspects to which the lost parts of the tombs were related will be pointed out. Renaissance tomb; burial site; birial chapel; funerary achievement; funerary schield; tombstone; memory; Moravia; early modern art