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Renaissance and Mannerist stucco north of the Alps – internal and external ties, contexts, and correlations.
Praha kontakt

Fakulta restaurování pořádá 26. - 27. 10. 2022 v Praze mezinárodní vědeckou konferenci Renaissance and Mannerist stucco north of the Alps – internal and external ties, contexts, and correlations. 

Dear Scientific Comittee, Authors and participants of the conference ´Renaissance and Mannerist stucco north of the Alps – internal and external ties, contexts, and correlations´.

The conference programme was published and registration is now open, both are available from the conference web site: https://stuky.upce.cz/confstucco/Prague2022

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

Many thanks for your attention.

Kind regards

Renata Tislova (On behalf of the Organising Comitttee)

Konference se bude konat pod záštitou vědeckého projektu "Renesanční a manýristické štukatérství v Čechách a na Moravě" (NAKI II, DG18P02OVV005).

Více ke konferenci, získáte zde:

Renaissance and Mannerist stucco north of the Alps – internal and external ties, contexts, and correlations. | Štuky (upce.cz)