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Project name: International Cooperation for Professional Training in Protection of Monuments - HERITAGE TRAIN I.

Grant provider: European Union 

Programme: ERASMUS+ 

Duration: 12/2019 - 08/2022 

Project Principal Investigator: Academia Istropolitana Nova – Slovak

Co-investigator:  Verein Förderung der Baudenkmalpflege – Austria

Co-investigator: Faculty of Restoration - researcher Ing. Bayer Karol

International Slovak-Czech-Austrian project called "International Cooperation for Professional Training in Protection of Monuments" (project acronym: Heritage Train) aimed to contribute to the development and improvement of further education in the field of tangible cultural heritage preservation. The project was funded by the EU program Erasmus+ and implemented from December 2019 to August 2022.

The project had the following objectives:

  1. Contribute to the development and modernization of specialized training in the care of tangible cultural heritage through international cooperation between SK-AT-CZ.
  2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the possibilities of professional education in the field of protection and care of cultural heritage in each country (SK, CZ, AT).
  3. Propose a system of quality educational programs for the following target groups:
    • craftsmen,
    • employees of monument offices and institutes,
    • employees of territorial and local governments,
    • owners of cultural monuments,
    • architects and civil engineers,
    • restorers.

The project was led by Academia Istropolitana Nova from the Slovak Republic. The Czech partner was the Faculty of Restoration of the University of Pardubice and the Austrian partner was the Association for the Support of Monument Conservation in Mauerbach linked to the Austrian Federal Monuments Office "Verein Förderung der Baudenkmalpflege".

In the Czech Republic the project was implemented in cooperation with the National Heritage Institute of the Czech Republic, and its results will be used in the creation of a system for further education of employees of the heritage institute, employees of relevant departments of municipal and regional authorities, and other target groups important in the process of cultural heritage protection.

The project's output is a proposal for educational program outlines and training for the mentioned target groups. One of the project activities also includes a comparative analysis of the possibilities of professional preparation in the field of protection and development of cultural heritage in individual countries (overviews of educational programs and training for the mentioned target groups).